Tuesday, January 26, 2010

On Girls and ICTs

At the Technology Salon hosted by the UN Foundation's Technology Partnership with Vodafone Foundation on Jan 28, 2010, some folks from the DC area (and beyond) will gather to share experiences around girls and ICTs.  This conversation is an important one, given that gaps exist around discussion, practice and research.   Continue reading.....


  1. Wonderful post! I am glad to find this blog. I agree that there is very little research on girls use of ICT in developing countries. As someone who works in the gender & technology field in Nigeria, it can be hard enough finding information on women's use of ICT - much less girls!

    W.TEC (the organisation I'm with) was featured in the last Because I am a Girl report and we track our alumni - including our Girls Technology Camps - to see the effects of their participation in our programmes. So far, the numbers are still small and the programme still a bit young for a full research but it has given us a snapshot into the challenges of engaging with ICTs for girls and the benefits if fully utilised.

  2. Thanks, Ore - would love to see any of the research/snapshot information that comes out of W.TEC's alumni tracking efforts so we can learn from your experiences! Let's talk offline. You can email me via the 'about me' page. (or send me your info via twitter!)

  3. Hi Linda,
    Nice post! Please meet Resa http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=1050474477&ref=ts
    She's a very active Plan-volunteer in BantarGebang, Indonesia and also ICT-student.

    Chris S. knows her also very well and maybe she can help you also on this topic of girls, ict and developing countries.

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